Sandi Rogers Publishing

Reviving Folk Medicine Naturally

Natural medicines can be costly and are often ineffective—unless you know how to use them.

Join us at the Reviving Folk Medicine Naturally workshop to achieve optimum health and well-being through the foods you eat.

The half day workshops are packed with powerful insights and practical tools to help you better manage your health and well-being through the use of fruit, vegetables and folk medicines. They’re informative, useful and offer many opportunities for you to ask questions and discuss important topics.

We will teach you how to manage your health with:

  • immune boosting fruit and vegetables
  • natural remedies that are probably already (hiding) in your pantry
  • the right natural medicines for you (that actually work)

Give your medicine cabinet (and bank account) a break and learn to utilise simple products that will have profound benefits.

Don’t miss out, tickets are limited.

Reviving Folk Medicine Naturally workshop, early bird special: $35


For more information:
