Sandi Rogers Publishing

What food can I feed my dog from the Christmas Table?

Family dog at the Christmas tableChristmas is a time for celebration for the entire family, including your dog. Too often we feed food scraps to the dog thinking, it is good for us, so why not fido?

Often the food is cooked rendering it not useful as cooking destroys a lot of nutrients and not in the correct format for the dog. It is not natural for dogs to have cooked foods therefore it is a good idea to think about what the dog would have in the wild.

How does the dog eat in the wild?

They rip and tear at the carcass

Then go for the content of the gut. This matter is broken down into small digestible pieces. It does not look appetising to us but it does to the dog.

So what is the correct format?

Always pulverise fruits and vegetables as it is then easy to digest and will not cause blockages and feed meat raw including raw bones,

This recipe has been trialled on many dogs of all sizes and breeds. The balance of meat, vegetables, fruit and grains offers a highly nutritious food for the dog, in the appropriate format to meet the natural requirements of their diet. For some dogs if they have been fed pelleted foods they need a little coaxing. The best way to do this is to start with a teaspoon of the fruit and vegetables and gradually increase as their taste buds become more attuned to a natural diet.

Christmas celebration Turkey delight

  • 1 Turkey carcass (raw) and chopped
  • Small amount of chopped raw dark turkey meat
  • ¼ sweet potato lightly steamed
  • ½ cup cabbage or bok choy
  • ½ stick of celery
  • ¼ small carrot (grated)
  • 1/3rd mango
  • 1 tablespoon of soaked rolled oats


  • Take all vegetables and fruit and blend together
  • Serve amount to suit the dog and add carcass and meat.

What is left over can be frozen in meal portions.

Turkey can be replaced with chicken


When feeding raw meats that have skin such as chicken and turkey ensure that the skin is finely chopped. If left in large pieces the dog may choke as the skin becomes gelatinous when mixed with saliva.

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